Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Recipe for Frosting (pareve and pure white for decorating cakes)

I've adapted the Wilton recipe heavily to use as little measuring, mess, and time as possible. There is no need to sift the confection sugar, as this recipe measures it by weight (i.e. the whole bag.)

In a standing mixer:Cream 2 cups (=2 sticks) of shortening.

Mix in 1/2 cup of liquids (combination of extracts, water and/or soymilk), a pinch of salt, an optional 2 T. of meringue powder(for added stiffness - not necessary but nice for flowers, etc.).

Slowly (to avoid a sweet mushroom cloud), pour in the 2 lb. bag of confection sugar.

Mix well until even consistency is achieved.

This frosting will take colors (paste style) beautifully.

Add some corn syrup if writing words.

Index of Recipes on Juggling Frogs

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Orthonomics said...

I came back to look at this post since my son has grandiose ideas for the baby's up and coming birthday. What kind of shortening do you use? Also, how much extract do you use, 1 tsp or 1/2?


Juggling Frogs said...


I use Crisco vegetable shortening, in the "stick" form for convenience.

For the extracts, I measure about 1 tablespoon, but really it's a "splash" in with the other liquids. Often, it is a combination of vanilla and almond extract (depending on nut-allergic kids invited) and sometimes (if I have it) "butter flavor", which is clear and available in the cake-decorating aisle of department, craft, and party stores.

I think your baby is very lucky to have your son (with his big plans) as his big brother. And you for a mom. Happy birthday to the little one!

Orthonomics said...

Thanks so much. I tried this receipe before with margarine and it didn't work so well. This time I think we will get the right result. Shana Tova

Juggling Frogs said...

Sephardi Lady,

I think margarine has more water content than shortening.

I hope it works out better with the shortening!

Shana tova!

Ayelet said...

When I took the Wilton course, they seemed to think sifting the confectioners sugar was "yay'hareg v'al ya'avor"! I'm almost afraid...

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